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May 25 - 28, 2025
Ascona, Switzerland
How does the brain adapt when we are learning?
The goal of this conference is to discuss with international leading experts cutting-edge research on neurobiological mechanisms underlying brain development, circuit adaptation during learning, and mechanisms behind learning disorders. We aim to look at these research topics from different perspectives, bridge disciplines and inspire new ideas about mechanisms of learning, and about tools for improved diagnosis and treatment of neurodevelopmental diseases.
Abstract submission for early registration is closed. Late registration with optional abstract submission will be opened in March.
The abstracts of the late registration will be evaluated and selected for the poster session only.
The best oral presentations and posters will be honored with a prize.
University Research Priority Program (URPP) Adaptive Brain Circuits in Development and Learning (AdaBD), University of Zurich
Coordinating Office
CH-8057 Zürich
Phone: +41 44 635 33 83