Platform for learning and learning disorders (LLD)
The platform aims to foster efficiency of collaborative research projects and to ensure effective dissemination of scientific knowledge by providing educational activities, information, and materials on learning disorders for different stakeholders.
Causes of learning deficits and development delay
We aim to establish causal links between learning deficits or development delay and impaired brain circuit adaptation during behavior. Further, we aim to identify genetic factors contributing to mild learning impairment. (Picutres: Helmchen lab (left) and Ruff lab (right)).
From molecules to behavior
We aim to uncover molecular mechanisms underlying brain circuit development. Further, we want to identify mutations affecting circuit formation and multi-sensory processing. (Picture: Alexandre Dumoulin, Stoeckli Lab, UZH)
Translational research for better patient care
We aim to translate insights from basic research to the clinic and to develop new diagnostic tools as well as innovative treatment strategies. (Picture: Children's Hospital Zurich)
Platform: mesoSPIM – 3D cleared-tissue light-sheet microscopy. An open-source science project
We provide expertise and service for UZH researchers interested in using our newly developed light-sheet microscope, which allows high-resolution 3D imaging of whole brains. (Pictures:
Platform: Developmental Delay Database – a unique cohort of children
We improve and extend the existing database containing data about all pre-school children that have been assessed for developmental delay in the Canton of Zurich. With this, we provide a tool for identifying specific subtypes of development and learning deficits, designing research projects and recruiting study participants. (Picture: Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash)
Platform SEED: Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) for neuroscience
We aim to provide tools and expertise with iPSC-based models for neuroscience, with a specific emphasis on brain circuit development. We will establish 2D and 3D differentiation protocols and generate a tool box of iPSC lines with fluorescently tagged proteins relevant for neuroscience, with the aim of supporting groups applying these methods and establishing new collaborations. (Picture: Affef Abidi, Bachmann lab, UZH)
Platform SEED: Innovative high-dimensional data analytics (HDDA)
We aim to develop innovative algorithms for analysis of data from microscopy, functional imaging or behavior videos. (Picture: Sepp Kollmorgen, Mante lab, UZH)
Platform for learning and learning disorders (LLD)
The platform aims to foster efficiency of collaborative research projects and to ensure effective dissemination of scientific knowledge by providing educational activities, information, and materials on learning disorders for different stakeholders.
Adaptive Brain Circuits in Development and Learning